On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 3:00 AM, nicolas <ncapp...@yahoo.fr> wrote:
> Thanks for your answer Evan.
> For these applications, we need to have a very good control. So we'll
> never update them via local update utility nor use an ensure => latest
> We always use ensure => x.y.z
> We also need to be able to do rollback, so it's simpler to remove
> everything from say, version 1-3-2, and then apply version 1-3-1
> I understand that our needs are specific, but there is something that
> surprise me with Puppet : if you don't explicitly remove something
> that was deployed previously with Puppet, then it stays
> For example, say you have a mount point A that you manage with Puppet
> For some reason, you need to change this mount point, now call it B.
> We could expect that if your manifest first contains A, then contains
> B, your intent is to remove A and creates B
> Puppet will just create B and leave A. It forces you to do it in two
> steps, first remove B, then apply and second add A then apply
> Any reasons why Puppet forces to explicitely remove everything that it
> previously installed (and that is known, thanks to localconfig.yaml
> file on nodes) ?

I find that this method is lot more admin friendly. If you have to
explicitly remove things you can not accidentally remove large chunks
of the system. Let say you have apache and php installed on a server.
You want to remove php but have forgotten that you replaced the apache
non-phped config with a phped config using the php module. Under
current operational mode nothing to bad happens except maybe a
complaint about the missing php. Under an automatic associated roll
back all of a sudden apache quits working because it removed the
config file, leaving you having to figure out that happened. A lot of
things in puppet error on the side of least surprise and least

  I occasionally have need to do one time pushes to my machines for
license files. Once all the machines have updated to the newest
license, I disable the license update as it only happens once a year
and only has to be done to existing installs as all new installs will
get the latest license. The current mode of operation makes this work.

Of course Luke may tell me I am totally wrong.


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