Ok, so to make things simpler, how do I change owner and mode of
nagios_host, etc. files when they're created?


On Jan 29, 2:01 pm, Scott <scott...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The situation is a little more complicated than just trying to do a
> "recurse" on the directory to set the permissions.  In my config, I
> create the directory where all the nagios_hosts are collected and I
> then make that resource a requirement for all the exported
> nagios_hosts.  So obviously I can't have that directory as a resource
> later on when I want to do a "recurse" on it to change the
> permissions.
> So in this case, what I did was back out one directory and try to
> create a file resource based on the parent dir "/etc/nagios3" and then
> use "recurse" on that to try to set the permissions.  And that's when
> I get the circular dependency error.
> Taking out the resource for the initial directory creation as well as
> the dependency for each nagios_host means that I'll have to create
> that directory (and there are actually a couple of others too) by hand
> every time I want to have nagios installed on a server, not really the
> point of having puppet.
> All this would be so much easier if I could just set either the
> permissions or the ownership when the files are initially created.
> Why are these files automatically owned by root and mode 600?  I don't
> know about other distros but in Ubuntu, it automatically breaks nagios
> since nagios is run as the user nagios and can't read the files.
> Cheers,
> Scott
> On Jan 23, 7:15 am, Luke Kanies <l...@madstop.com> wrote:
> > On Jan 22, 2009, at 4:55 PM, Scott wrote:
> > > The issue is that I don't know the exact names of all the nagios_hosts
> > > ahead of time, so I can't declare file resources explicitly, each host
> > > has it's own host file.
> > > So I've tried declaring a "file" resource for the directory that the
> > > nagios_host files get deposited in and using "recurse" to set the
> > > permissions on all the files in the directory but I get an error in
> > > puppet saying I have a circular dependency, I'm assuming because the
> > > "nagios_host" type explicitly sets permissions on the files.
> > It does not, so I don't see why you'd get a cycle.  What does the  
> > cycle say?
> > > I've tried using "exec" but I need to make sure the exec gets called
> > > after all the nagios_hosts are collected otherwise it's pointless but
> > > how do you tell the exec command to run after the collection?
> > Well, you could have each nagios instance require the exec, but that  
> > would be messy.
> > > I've tried setting a "before" parameter in the exported @@nagios_host
> > > resource but puppet gave me an error when I tried to use the "title"
> > > of the exec instead of the command.  I haven't tired using the exec
> > > command itself in the "before" parameter because it has switches, i.e.
> > > "chmod644/etc/nagios3/hosts/*", and I thought it would cause
> > > problems with spaces and it looks messier as well.  I don't mind doing
> > > that, though, if it works.
> > Nah, if the relationship to the title doesn't work, the relationship  
> > to the command won't.
> > This is obviously something I just didn't really think about when  
> > developing this stuff.  However, based on how Puppet works ATM, you  
> > should not have to worry about it beyond the first run.  If you set  
> > the perms correctly, then Puppet will retain them afterward.
> > Really, though, managing the perms with 'file' statements should work.
> > --
> > The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
> > persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
> > progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Luke Kanies |http://reductivelabs.com|http://madstop.com
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