Here's how we generate access.conf. We define a type that adds and removes 
access.conf entries and use this type in the node that we need a 
particular group to be able to login to.

class pam { 

  $access = "/etc/security/access.conf"

  exec {"prep access.conf":
    command => "echo - : ALL : ALL > $access",
    unless  => "tail -n 1 $access | grep '^\\- : ALL : ALL'",

  define accesslogin($origins = "ALL", $ensure = "present") { 
    case $ensure {
      present: {
        exec {"$ensure : $name : $origins":
          command => "sed -i '\$i+ : $name : $origins' ${pam::access}",
            unless  => "grep '$perm : $name : $origins' ${pam::access}",
            require => Exec["prep access.conf"],
      default: {
        exec {"$ensure : $name : $origins":
          command => "sed -i '/+ : $name : $origins/d' ${pam::access}",
          onlyif  => "grep '$perm : $name : $origins' ${pam::access}",
          require => Exec["prep access.conf"],

  # defaults
  accesslogin { ["root", "backup"]: ; }


node 'node1' { 
  include pam

  pam::accesslogin { "group1": }

node 'node2' { 
  include pam
  # let the apache user run cron jobs but not login
  pam::accesslogin { "apache": 
    origins => "cron",

On Wed, 11 Feb 2009, Michael Conigliaro wrote:

> Hello,
> Sorry if this ends up getting posted twice.  I originally sent this
> about 3 hours ago, and I never saw it get posted, so I'm trying again.
> I want to use Puppet to manage /etc/access.conf on our managed Linux
> servers.  The problem is that the servers on our network will be
> accessed by different groups of users, so I will need slightly different
> configurations for each server.  My first impression is that I probably
> don't want to create completely different access.conf files for each
> server, so I thought I might try using template conditionals for this.
> I'm just not sure if what I'm trying to do is possible, or if there's a
> better way.  I've pasted my basic idea below.  The part I'm not sure
> about is the "if $hostname in [server1, server2, server3]" part.  I
> didn't see anything in the documentation about checking if a value
> exists in an array, but I assume this is possible.  Any thoughts?
> #
> # etc/access.conf controls access to this machine #
> # User "root" can only log in locally and from trusted network subnets
> - : root : ALL EXCEPT LOCAL
> # Tech support users can log in from all sources.
> + : @support : ALL
> <% if $hostname in [server1, server2, server3] %> # group1 can log into
> this server
> + : @group1 : ALL
> <% end %>
> <% if $hostname in [server4, server5, server6] %> # group2 can log into
> this server
> + : @group2 : ALL
> <% end %>
> All other users should be denied to get access from all sources.
> - : ALL : ALL
> --
> Michael Conigliaro
> Computer Analyst
> Fuss & O'Neill Technologies
> > 

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