On Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 02:15:44PM -0500, Luke Kanies wrote:
> I think there are essentially two decisions to make, with some
> details  around them:
> 1) Should we use a completely open Apache-style license, or a
> reciprocal/viral GPL-style license?

I'm not a big fan of viral-style in most cases; it seems like giving
with one hand and slapping with the other.  (Depends on the
software, though; I don't mind it for compilers, for example.  I
also don't really want to get into it.)

Having said that, I think either choice is extremely generous; I'd
still contribute (not that I've contributed code yet) if it was
"free to distribute but not modify", OSLT.  This is your baby, I
can't imagine being bothered by what you choose to do with it as
long as it's still free for me with my 3 machines over here.

> 2) Should we require copyright assignment of any kind?

My limited understanding of the legal ramifications says that yes,
you probably should.

> Fundamentally, I see three basic choices:
> 1) Leave them like they are.  No copyright assignment, no real  
> copyright maintenance, GPL2 or later.  This means that every  
> contributor ever must give permission for things like license changes,  
> we can't easily protect against license infringement 
> (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/why-assign.html 
> ), no one can ever dual license, and essentially no commercial  
> software can ever be produced that integrates with Puppet.
> 2) Stick to a viral/reciprocal license (probably AGPLv3) but require  
> Sun-style copyright contribution (which provides the project a non- 
> exclusive license to the copyright).  This provides a single  
> organization with a license for all copyright, and allows that license  
> holder (Reductive Labs) to protect against license infringement,  
> provide patent indemnity (which I've already been asked about by  
> others but cannot currently offer), relicense Puppet (and produce  
> commercial software that integrates with that relicensed product),   
> and probably more.
> 3) Switch to a non-reciprocal license (e.g., Apache) and don't require  
> copyright coassignment.  This allows anyone to do anything with the  
> code, so there's no real concern about license infringement and anyone  
> can make commercial add-ons.  This is both good and bad, though, in  
> that even those with no commitment to Puppet's community could build  
> commercial products on it, which I think is not so great.

I agree that #2 seems best.  I'm really shocked by the Chef project;
it seems really offensive to me, and I'd like to see you guys go in
a direction that stops someone from just rebundling Puppet and
calling it theirs.


They say:  "The first AIs will be built by the military as weapons."
And I'm thinking:  "Does it even occur to you to try for something
other than the default outcome?" -- http://shorl.com/tydruhedufogre
http://www.digitalkingdom.org/~rlpowell/ *** http://www.lojban.org/

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