On May 1, 5:59 pm, Brandon Evans <bev...@adicio.com> wrote:
> no-can-do.  What exactly are you trying to get done?

Apologies for leaving that out -- I'd hoped to not muddy the water
with the details, but now it seems I must.

I want to install a home-built package whose application runs on a
virtual console exclusively.  Which VC specifically is controlled by
that app's conf file.  This app must be able to run on a VC that is
normally occupied by a getty so therefore prior to app startup, it is
necessary to tell upstart to disable that getty.  I want puppet to do
all of this, of course.  The basic steps and required sequence are:

1. install package
2. install conf file for package
3. extract VC number from conf file, say as $ttynum
4. exec "initctl stop tty$ttynum"
5. exec "app"

Puppet does NOT know what VC number is in the conf file -- it must
extract this.  (The reasons are way beyond the scope here.)  Now, I've
made step 3 a bit easier by revising the package so that it's possible
to run "app --show-vc" and it'll parse the conf file and send the
number to stdout.  I cannot run this command directly with the
generate function because of the embedded space character.  So I
thought I'd cheat and have puppet generate a temp file that is
essentially a one-line shell script to run that command and have the
generate function call this temporary file instead.  Now it becomes a
question of how to ensure that puppet creates the temp script before
the generate function calls it.

This is starting to look like a real headache.  Unless someone sees an
easier way to do something like this, I think I'll just revise the app
to do step 4 itself -- although that is rather icky in itself.
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