I have a couple of concerns about this (at least in my environment).
First, the root password would be clearly visible (not even crypted!)
In the process listing during execution of the usermod. Second,
similarly, the root password is stored in plaintext on the
puppetmaster. Actually, would that variable be stored in each hosts
yaml cache?

Puppet has a user type that I think would be much better. I haven't
done this yet, but assuming you have installed ruby-shadow package,
you just need to specify the crypted string.

On 5/6/09, 骡骡 <ken.g...@gmail.com> wrote:
> in 1st day of each month , change passwd of root.
> # vi /etc/puppet/modules/user/manifests/init.pp
> class user {
>       exec { "rootpw":
>               command => "/usr/sbin/usermod -p $rootpw root",
>               onlyif => "/usr/bin/test `/bin/date -d now +%d` = '01'",
>       }
> }
> # vi  /etc/puppet/manifests/templates.pp
> import user
> node basenode {
>         $rootpw = "Vale.com-init"
>         include user
> }
> >

Sent from my mobile device

Chad M. Huneycutt

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