Nigel Kersten wrote:
> Just pointing out that 0.24.8 (non RC) is available in debian testing.
> On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 9:09 PM, Robin Sheat <> wrote:
>> My puppet setup has been working nicely for a while, but recently I get 
>> errors
>> like this a lot:
>> May  9 15:46:33 puppet puppetd[22423]:
>> (//Node[basenode]/nagios::nrpe/File[/usr/local/nagios/plugins/check_apt])
>> Failed to retrieve current state of resource: Connection reset by peer -
>> SSL_connect Could not describe /nagios/check_apt: Connection reset by peer -
>> SSL_connect at /etc/puppet/modules/nagios/manifests/init.pp:163
>> The puppetmaster seems to stop logging anything by this point, although ps
>> says that it's still there.
>> I'm using 0.24.8 RC1 (the latest I've found .debs for), and am using the
>> default connection handling thing (WebBrick I presume) with about a dozen
>> clients, give or take. Restarting the puppetmaster gets it going for a while,
>> but after a variable length of time (usually days, although today it was
>> about 12 hours) it'll start happening again.
>> Any ideas?
>> --
>> Robin <> JabberID: <>
>> Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt. Qui annus est?
>> PGP Key 0xA99CEB6D = 5957 6D23 8B16 EFAB FEF8  7175 14D3 6485 A99C EB6D

Probably stating the obvious, but ditch webrick.  I've increased my 
runtimes by as much as 3800% (no, that's not a typo) after migrating to 
Passenger.  I have a few more nodes in my setup (83), but webrick was 
downright non-functional after more than a couple of puppet runs got 
going.  Now I can run all my nodes in parallel, and the puppetmaster 
doesn't so much as blink.


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