On May 7, 2009, at 2:42 PM, Jean Spirat wrote:

> For the stored config i use this:
> in the client node i do :
>    include backupset::client
>    backupset::client::backupme{ 'mybackup': }
> inside the backupset::client class i have:
>    define backupme(       $periode='1',
>                                    $rsyncversion='29+',
>                                    $serveur='backup01.myserver.com'){
>                    @@file { "/etc/BackupPC/serveurs/$fqdn":
>                                    content =>
>    template("backupset/hostfile.erb"),
>                                    tag     =>      "$serveur";
>                    }
>    }
> in the server node i got    :
>    include backupset::server
> inside the  backupset::server class i have :
>    File <<| tag == "$fqdn" |>>
> but this never create any files on the server side :(
> i got :
> err: Could not retrieve catalog: Puppet::Parser::Compiler failed with
> error NameError: uninitialized constant ParamValue on node
> backup01.myserver.com
> i am kind of lost here on why it does not work:)

This is a problem with our Rails integration.  Modify your lib/puppet/ 
rails/resource.rb file to have this at the top:

     has_many :param_values, :dependent => :destroy, :class_name =>  
     has_many :param_names, :through => :param_values, :class_name =>  

     has_many :resource_tags, :dependent => :destroy, :class_name =>  
     has_many :puppet_tags, :through => :resource_tags, :class_name =>  

Replacing the existing code, of course.

Charm is a way of getting the answer yes without asking a clear
question. -- Albert Camus
Luke Kanies | http://reductivelabs.com | http://madstop.com

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