On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 8:16 AM, Edward Bailey
<eds.mailing.list.acco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> To explain the background behind my question
> We have a number of situations where it would be great if I could have
> puppet automatically maintain a symlink for a resource such as the Java JVM.
> For example - we install the JDK in /usr/java so after the RPM  install, the
> path to the JVM is /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_16. In order to simplify application
> configuration, I like to make JAVA_HOME something generic like
> /usr/java/java. I do this by creating a symlink
>  ln -s /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_16/ /usr/java/java
> I would like to have puppet maintain the symlink so that when YUM updates
> the JVM, the symlink gets updated as well. I know I could do this in the RPM
> or using exec but that sounds like too much work:)
> Just for fun I tried to setup a file type in puppet to create the symlink
> using a wildcard. I did not expect this to work given the need for shell
> expansion.
> file { "/usr/java/java":
>     ensure => "/usr/java/jdk1.*"
> }
> Is their another way to do this in the puppet framework? I can do this using
> exec, but I wanted to work from within puppet first.

So if you write a fact that is your jdk path, you could then use it in
your manifests:

      file { "/usr/java/java":
        ensure  => symlink,
        replace => true
        target    => $jdk_path,

That would seem to be the simplest option.

Nigel Kersten
System Administrator
Google, Inc.

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