I apologize if this has been asked before but if it has- my google
technique has failed me. If anyone can point me at the right docs I'm
happy to dive right in.

While I'm not having any problems with Puppet, I am having some
trouble understanding the best practices.

I have a basenode defined. I also have several different collections
of servers and workstations. I've created a class called prodservers,
a class called devservers and a class called workstations- each one
inherits basenode and is then inherited by specific nodes. Should I be
doing this in a class? If so what is the best place to store these
class definitions- right now I am using manifests/classes/
workstation.pp and server.pp. Should this be done in a module instead?
Putting specific configuration settings in a module (even if it is a
module called "workstation" just feels wrong.

specifically says:
"Stop using the manifests area to house classes, definitions, etc.
Instead, use module exclusively to manage almost every single class,
definition, template, file, etc."

That would seem to run counter to the way I've done things. What am I
missing? I'd like the admin that comes after me to be able to make
sense of this deployment.

Another question:
The sample templates.pp in the best practices page defines a baseclass
and then several types of servers. In what case would you define a
baseclass instead of a basenode that you inherit?

If you have different classes of servers then templates.pp can easily
get unwieldy. I'm using templates.pp and just including my server and
workstation specific classes. Is there a more sensible way to organize

Was there a technical reason to split out /services/ and /clients/
from the rest of the modules? It seems somewhat arbitrary and makes
configuring certain services a little less intuitive (for example: NTP
which is included on all servers, but has a different configuration on
the NTP master). What's the best practice here? Do people create a
subclass that overrides and disables the generic NTP config and
substitutes a server config? What's the best way to define a
"::disabled" class? The best practices gives openssh::disabled as an
example but I'm having trouble understanding how that would work if
the openssh class was already added to the generic server class, but
needed to be disabled on a specific system.

My apologies for the length of the email- I've been having a lot of
fun writing recipes for puppet but these questions have been stopping
me from going all out with my deployment. I'd like to get it right (or
as close as possible) the first time.


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