I'm trying to use the puppetmaster to mirror directories. Here's my

module Puppet::Parser::Functions
  ## function: mirror
  ## arg[0]    user - the login name and corresponding key
  ## arg[1]    host - remote host
  ## arg[2]:   src  - local directory
  ## arg[3]:   dest - remote directory
  ## returns:  void
  newfunction(:mirror) do |args|
    user  = args[0]
    host  = args[1]
    src   = args[2]
    dest  = args[3]
    cmd   = "/usr/bin/rsync -vaz --delete --delete-during --rsh=\"ssh -
i /var/puppet/.ssh/" +
            user +" -l " + user +"\" " + src + " " + host + ":" + dest

This seems pretty straight-forward but the first time I hit this
function, the puppetmaster dies and leaves no traces in the logs for
troubleshooting the problem. I tested the rsync command and it works
fine. Any ideas?

BTW: If there's an easier way to synchronize directories, I'm open to
using it. The problem I've had in puppet is removing files from dest
if they're removed in the source directory.

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