Hi all,

I have some code to execute that depends on two things:

1.-) some file is modified

2.-) its log shows some error.

So I'd like to define both conditions, and I've done it like:

 file { "file1":
                recurse => true,
                owner   => "root",
                group   => "root",
                mode    => "700",
                source  => "puppet://server/file1",
                notify   => Exec["refresh_conf"],

 exec { "refresh_conf":
                command     => "exec something",
                #subscribe   => File["file1"],
                timeout     => "-1",
                #unless     => "condition1",

So now I have subscribe and unless commented. subscribe because I added
notify on file1, and unless cause if file1 notifies to refresh it
evaluates conditon1 and,as log is fine, the exec is not refreshed.

So, how may I tell refresh_conf to execute itself depending in those two


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