Thomas Bellman <> writes:

> Yes, but Paul seemed to argue that having array parameters and looping over
> them was "un-Puppet-like" and bad design.  And then he suggested a variant
> that still used array parameters.  I happen to disagree with that sentiment.

I think this is about where I'm coming from. I don't think I can define
a custom type, and the native puppet support isn't quite enough rope. I
don't think it's a declarative vs. procedural issue.

> That said, there is a way to loop over arrays within Puppet, and that
> is by passing it as the name to a helper definition.  The OP would do
> something like this:
>      define keystore($keys, ...)
>      {
>          keystore_helper {
>              $keys: ...;
>          }
>          ...
>      }
>      define keystore_helper(...)
>      {
>          # Each element of $keys will be available as $name here
>          # Do something with it here
>          ...
>      }
> This is not unproblematic at the moment, though.  Since the name must
> be unique for each keystore_helper declaration, that makes it impossible
> to have more than one keystore declaration with the same keys parameter.
> One would have to preprocess the $keys parameter to prepend the keystore
> name to each element, and there's no way to do that in stock 0.24.8.
> (I think you will be able to do it in 0.25, by abusing inline_template()
> and split(), but that's rather ugly.)

Exactly. I'd love for names to be multidimensional.


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