Hi All,

An update on this thread..

Based upon some real world testing, I've updated the Passenger wiki to  
give some performance and with memory consumption (one of the main  
reasons for switching to Passenger right?):


Let me know if you have any comments, suggestions.

Suggested Tweaks

Based upon my (Larry Ludwig) testing of passenger/puppetmasterd I  
recommend adjusting these options in your apache configuration.

PassengerPoolIdleTime - Set to 5 min or less. The shorting this option  
allows for puppetmasterd to get refreshed at some interval. This  
option is also somewhat dependent upon the amount of puppetd nodes  
connecting and at what interval.
PassengerMaxPoolSize - to 15% more instances than what's needed. This  
will allow idle puppetmasterd to get recycled. The net effect is less  
memory will be used, not more.
PassengerUseGlobalQueue on - Since communication with the puppetmaster  
from puppetd is a long process (more than 20 seconds in most cases)  
and will allow for processes to get recycled better
PassengerHighPerformance on - The features Passenger offers with this  
feature disabled are not needed with Puppet.
No different than with traditional web servers, once your service  
starts using swap performance degradation will occur. So be mindful of  
your memory/swap usage on your Puppetmaster.

To monitor the age of your puppetmasterd processes within Passenger, run

the output you should be concerned with is:

----------- Domains -----------
   PID: 7355    Sessions: 0    Processed: 5747    Uptime: 1h 3m 30s
   PID: 9950    Sessions: 0    Processed: 2941    Uptime: 27m 27s
   PID: 7117    Sessions: 0    Processed: 7208    Uptime: 1h 8m 33s
   PID: 7575    Sessions: 0    Processed: 6307    Uptime: 57m 19s
   PID: 9653    Sessions: 0    Processed: 2525    Uptime: 37m 31s
My personal preference is I like Passenger recycling puppetmasterd  
every few hours to ensure memory/garbage collection from Ruby is not a  

Larry Ludwig
Reductive Labs

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