I noticed the require 'class' function has made 0.25.  I've been
having some issues appending to arrays (order of execution I believe)
and wondered if this would now work -

node 'a' {
include webserver, database, stats

# stats.pp
$mystat1 = []

class stats {
  if tagged('webserver') {
    require webserver::stats      # used to be include
  if tagged('database') {
    require database::stats      # used to be include

if mystat1 != [] {

define deploystats() # the array mystat1is used in the $myfile.erb
  file { "/stats/$myfile" :
                        ensure  => present,
                        content => template("module/$myfile.erb"),
                        notify  => Service["statservice"],

# webserver.pp
class webserver::stats {
    $mystat1 += ["processName"]

# database.pp
class database::stats {
    $mystat1 += ["processName"]

After writing the above i'm guessing it still won't quite work as the
deploystats() could still get called before the 'if tagged' statements
get seen?!

If thats the case then I guess my options are either too add a new
type that modifies the files, or use augeas?



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