On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 2:54 AM, David Schmitt <da...@dasz.at> wrote:

> Chris Blumentritt wrote:
> > I receive the following error when trying to do the puppet below:
> > Failed to parse template s_apache_site/site.conf.erb: Could not find
> > value for 'ipaddress_eth0_0'
> >
> > As far as I can tell the ipaddress_eth0_0 fact has to exist on the
> > client before it will parse.  I was hoping that I could get the new ip
> > address in place thus creating the fact so that when the apache site is
> > created the information would be available.  Maybe all facts are
> > compiled at the when puppetd is run and there is no way to add facts
> > during the run of puppetd?
> puppet sends all facts to the server at the beginning of each run to
> receive an updated configuration. The configuration is compiled
> (functions run, templates expanded) on the server before passing it on
> to the client. The latter only receives a list of resources which it
> dutifully applies.
> Therefore it is impossible to "create" facts on the fly: the client
> doesn't have enough information to re-compile its manifests.
> This is one of the few cases (enabling providers is another major one)
> where you have to defer some resources until the next run, where you
> have the facts available.
> > The way I see around this is to first add the ip address with out
> > calling the apache::site definition and once the ip address gets on
> > there run puppet with apache::site definition.  There has got to be
> > better way, any suggestions
> If you really want to avoid the second run, you can refactor your
> manifest so you are not using a fact in you template, but directly the
> configuration information:
> node web1{
>        $secondary_ip = xxx
>        network::ip { $secondary_ip: }
>        apache::site { blah: ip => $secondary_ip }
> }

How can I access the $secondary_ip variable from a class?  I have the
app_server class make the same site on more than one server and I do not
think I can more than once in the node.  Besides, defining the same site
more than one time seems bad.

> Regards, DavidS
> >

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