On Oct 16, 5:07 am, Bernhard Bock <bernhard.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Clients are giving me the following error:
> >> "Could not retrieve catalog: Could not find resource type zypper_repo
> >> at /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes/mgt.pp:33 on node <host.fqdn>"
> I'm experiencing the same problem with a custom type in 0.24.8.
> The type compiles when called with 'ruby -rpuppet <file>'.
> With irb, I can retrieve the type just fine.
> Any chance that it is related to this 
> bug?http://projects.reductivelabs.com/issues/2574

Custom types in modules generally work in 0.24.8, so I doubt that
issue 2574 is related to your problem.  Supposing that your custom
type is well-formed (which successful compilation does not guarantee),
the most likely causes of your problem are that it is not correctly
positioned inside your module, or it is not readable by
puppetmasterd.  The custom type's Ruby code should be in <modules dir>/
<module name>/plugins/puppet/types/<type>.rb.  Its provider(s), if
any, should be in <modules dir>/<module name>/plugins/puppet/provider/
<type>/<provider>.rb.  The files and all the directories in the path
to them should be readable by the puppetmaster process, which may
(should) be running as a non-root user.

Be sure also to read http://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet/wiki/PluginsInModules
for required client-side configuration for plug-ins.
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