err: Could not retrieve catalog: Could not parse for environment
production: Syntax error at 'cwd'; expected '}' at /etc/puppet/

On Oct 21, 5:45 pm, Roy Nielsen <> wrote:
> Use the onlyif parameter of the exec type:
> exec { "touch /home/ciao:"
>      cwd => "/home",
>      path => "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin",
>      onlyif => "/usr/bin/apt-get -q -q update"
> }
> Note: the onlyif parameter only works this way with the
> "exec" type (works a bit differently for the augeas type)
> The unless parameter only works with exec at this point.
> Regards,
> -Roy
> Reno wrote:
> > Yes I agree,
> > for example what you will do if I want to run the touch command only
> > if /usr/bin/apt-get -q -q update has run without error?
> >  exec { subscribe-echo:
> >                command     => "/usr/bin/apt-get -q -q update",
> >                logoutput   => false,
> >                refreshonly => true,
> >                subscribe   => file["/etc/apt/sources.list"]
> >        }
> >  exec { "touch /home/ciao":
> >     cwd => "/home",
> >     path => "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin"
> > }
> > On Oct 21, 4:56 pm, Brice Figureau <>
> > wrote:
> >> On Wed, 2009-10-21 at 08:53 -0700, Reno wrote:
> >>> hi and thanks for the help
> >>> I use a more simple ( to me ) but effective solution:
> >>>  exec { "touch /home/ciao":
> >>>     cwd => "/home",
> >>>     path => "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin"
> >>> }
> >> You can't guarantee this exec won't run _before_ your other exec if you
> >> don't add strict ordering metaparameters (require/before).
> >> --
> >> Brice Figureau
> >> Follow the latest Puppet Community evolutions!
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