I've found it difficult to upgrade from 0.24.8 to 0.25.2.  Things are
great after I only upgrade the master to 0.25.2, but once the client
gets switched to 0.25.2, I can't sync plugins/facts anymore.  The
error seems to indicate that it's some SSL issue.  Any suggestions
would be appreciated, as my inability to understand SSL properly
despite trying numerous times is astounding.

My setup is probably a bit unorthodox.  Apache + Mongrel, all my
masters have identical certificates (literally copied) with CN
"puppet.dev", but each is in a different datacenter (e.g.
puppet.dev.us.mydomain.com).  Individual machines have its "server"
directive set to "puppet.dev" so that it could connect to any master,
but a machine is specifically connected to the proper master by using
the LOCALDOMAIN environment variable when puppetd is run.  (so
something like "LOCALDOMAIN=us.mydomain.com puppetd -vt".  An
individual puppetmaster will have its hostname set to the fqdn (e.g.

This used to work in 0.24.8, but once I upgrade the client to 0.25.2,
the pluginsync no longer works.  Everything else in terms of executing
the actual recipes connect and execute, so it doesn't seem like the
certificates have an inherent problem.  It seems the pluginsync
mechanism has changed, and those specific files don't sync between the
master/client anymore (before the actual configuration run).

Here is the output from the client on -vdt mode:

debug: Failed to load library 'selinux' for feature 'selinux'
debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderLdap: true value when expecting
debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderDirectoryservice: file /usr/bin/
dscl does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderPw: file pw does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderUser_role_add: file roleadd does
not exist
debug: /File[/var/puppet/client_yaml]: Autorequiring File[/var/puppet]
debug: /File[/var/puppet/state/state.yaml]: Autorequiring File[/var/
debug: /File[/var/puppet/state/graphs]: Autorequiring File[/var/puppet/
debug: /File[/etc/puppet/ssl/private_keys/
ec2-67-202-4-164.compute-1.amazonaws.com.pem]: Autorequiring File[/etc/
debug: /File[/etc/puppet/ssl/private]: Autorequiring File[/etc/puppet/
debug: /File[/etc/puppet/ssl/public_keys/
ec2-67-202-4-164.compute-1.amazonaws.com.pem]: Autorequiring File[/etc/
debug: /File[/var/puppet/log]: Autorequiring File[/var/puppet]
debug: /File[/etc/puppet/ssl/private_keys]: Autorequiring File[/etc/
debug: /File[/etc/puppet/ssl]: Autorequiring File[/etc/puppet]
debug: /File[/etc/puppet/ssl/
csr_ec2-67-202-4-164.compute-1.amazonaws.com.pem]: Autorequiring File[/
debug: /File[/etc/puppet/ssl/certs]: Autorequiring File[/etc/puppet/
debug: /File[/etc/puppet/ssl/public_keys]: Autorequiring File[/etc/
debug: /File[/etc/puppet/ssl/certs/
ec2-67-202-4-164.compute-1.amazonaws.com.pem]: Autorequiring File[/etc/
debug: /File[/etc/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem]: Autorequiring File[/etc/
debug: /File[/etc/puppet/puppet.conf]: Autorequiring File[/etc/puppet]
debug: /File[/var/puppet/state]: Autorequiring File[/var/puppet]
debug: /File[/var/puppet/clientbucket]: Autorequiring File[/var/
debug: /File[/var/puppet/state/classes.txt]: Autorequiring File[/var/
debug: /File[/var/puppet/lib]: Autorequiring File[/var/puppet]
debug: /File[/var/puppet/facts]: Autorequiring File[/var/puppet]
debug: /File[/etc/puppet/ssl/certificate_requests]: Autorequiring File
debug: Finishing transaction -606854728 with 0 changes
debug: Using cached certificate for ca, good until Mon Jun 30 05:34:58
UTC 2014
debug: Using cached certificate for
ec2-67-202-4-164.compute-1.amazonaws.com, good until Thu Jan 08
01:21:20 UTC 2015
debug: Loaded state in 0.01 seconds
info: Retrieving plugin
debug: Using cached certificate for ca, good until Mon Jun 30 05:34:58
UTC 2014
debug: Using cached certificate for
ec2-67-202-4-164.compute-1.amazonaws.com, good until Thu Jan 08
01:21:20 UTC 2015
err: /File[/var/puppet/lib]: Failed to generate additional resources
using 'eval_generate': hostname was not match with the server
debug: file_metadata supports formats: b64_zlib_yaml marshal pson raw
yaml; using marshal
debug: Finishing transaction -607092328 with 0 changes
....and a bunch of lines executing the recipes that only worked
because the plugins were already synced back when the machine was on
puppet 0.24.8

Since the error complains about hostname not matching the certificate,
I tried changing the server's hostname to "puppet.dev" and rebooting
the master but still no luck.

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