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I don't know if I completely agree with #3.

I tend to think that modules are abstractions that are not installation
dependent and all installation dependent things go into your site manifests.

So, it's very logical to have local site classes (that could go under a
site module, yes) but that, in general, modules should be as abstract as
possible for flexibility.


On 01/12/2010 04:42 PM, jcbollinger wrote:
> I'm considering writing some new-user tips -- something brief,
> focusing on writing manifests.  Ideally, I will put it on the wiki
> when it's in reasonably good shape.
> I'm interested in your comments about whether this would overlap too
> much with the existing tutorial material, and I welcome any tips you
> might want to contribute.  I also welcome any commentary about the
> tips I've already got:
> 1. Start small.  Begin with a manifest that controls just one thing,
> via one of the built-in resource types.  Host, File, and Service are
> good choices for your first managed resource.
> 2. All resource declarations and variables should go inside classes.
> No exceptions.
> 3. All classes should go inside modules.  No exceptions.
> 4. Avoid virtual and exported resources (@resource {...} or @@resource
> {...}) until you have a good grasp of the rest of the Puppet
> language.  These frequently confuse people who don't understand the
> tao of Puppet.
> 5. Avoid defined types (introduced via the 'define' keyword) until you
> have a good grasp of the rest of the Puppet language.  These are
> syntactic sugar, with a gotcha or two mixed in.  New users can better
> avoid the gotchas if they first acquire a good grasp other parts of
> the language.
> 6. Follow the style guide.  At worst, write your own style guide and
> follow that.
> 7. With Puppet, you influence the order in which resources are applied
> via the "require" and "before" metaparameters.  Use them where
> necessary (and only where necessary).
> 8. Use an SCM system such as Subversion or git to track and manage
> your manifests.

- -- 
Trevor Vaughan
 Vice President, Onyx Point, Inc.
 email: tvaug...@onyxpoint.com
 phone: 410-541-ONYX (6699)

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