Hi all,

Currently I am trying to have a script run whenever a change is made
to it. Here is an example of when my configurations look like:

file { "/usr/bin/data/":
        owner => "rot",
        group => "wheel",
        mode => "755",
        purge   => true,
        recurse => true,
        source => "puppet://puppet/data/bin/";

exec { "/usr/bin/data/get-data.sh restart":
        subscribe => "/usr/bin/data/get-data.sh",
        refreshonly => true;

The script is contained in /usr/bin/data/ which is managed by Puppet.
But when I try to run this I get the following error:

err: Could not create /usr/bin/data/get_data.sh restart: Parameter
subscribe failed: Relationships must be resource references at /usr/
warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
warning: Configuration could not be instantiated: Parameter subscribe
failed: Relationships must be resource references at /usr/local/etc/

Is there a way to have a script subscribe to itself?

Thank you for you help.
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