Frederik Wagner wrote:

I would think that something like the following would do the job, but
it doesn't.

in some class:
@file{"/mountpoint": ensure => directory }

    require => File["/mountpoint"]

in some other class:
Mount<| title == "/mountpoint" |>

What am I missing? Or is this not possible at all?

It's not possible to do it that exact way.  But, you can use a define:

    define foomount($device, $fstype, ...)
        File <| name == $name |>
        mount { $name: ..., require => File[$name]; }

    @file { "/mountpoint": ensure => directory; }

    @foomount { "/mountpoint": ...; }

    Foomount <| title == "/mountpoint" |>

Unless you really want to declare the virtual file resource in some
other place than where you define foomount, it probably makes more
sense to inline that in foomount, though:

    define foomount($device, $fstype, ...)
        file { $name: ensure => directory; }
        mount { $name: ..., require => File[$name]; }

Hope this helps.


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