On Feb 24, 6:59 am, Rus Hughes <russell.hug...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've got an Apache module and a Nagios module which "require"s the
> Apache module, in the Nagios module we need to add the apache user to
> the nagios group, what would be the best most scalable method to do
> this? Assuming we might have other modules for webapps which need to
> add the apache user to other groups in the future?!
> The actual apache user is created by the httpd package (on RedHat) but
> in the Apache module can we just manage the user with something like :
> user { "apache":
>     uid => 48,
>     gid => 48,
>     groups => "apache",
> }
> and then in the Nagios module do
> User["apache"]{ groups +> "nagios" }
> ? Or is there a better way?
> Cheers!

We do this by defining the service account as a virtual user and
realizing/overriding when necessary. For your example:

@user { "apache":
    uid => 48,
    gid => 48,
    groups => "apache",

Then in your nagios module:

User["apache"] { groups +> "nagios" }

Don't forget to realize it in your apache module too. :)


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