Ohad, thanks for your reply!

Last night ive had it and switched to gems "only" and had no problems
at all with "too many connections" using storeconfigs

The debian (lenny) packages where seriously outdated and now this is
what my gem list looks like:

~# gem list
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
actionmailer (2.3.5)
actionpack (2.3.5)
activerecord (2.3.5)
activeresource (2.3.5)
activesupport (2.3.5)
gem_plugin (0.2.3)
rack (1.0.1)
##"gem install rack -v 1.0.1"
## - rails does not like latest avail rack gem
rails (2.3.5)
rake (0.8.7)
ruby-mysql (2.9.2)
test-spec (0.10.0)

Aaand the debianpackages:

That did it, it works, Im happy - thanks a lot! :)


On 10 Mrz., 06:43, Ohad Levy <ohadl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> which version of activerecord is installed? you might want to give 2.3 a try
> and see if that solves your problems.
> Ohad
> On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 6:21 PM, Simon Mügge <s...@webde.de> wrote:
> > Hey Ohad!
> > Could you please elaborate on these "faulty" activerecord versions?
> > I ran into the same problem (just with fewer (180) clients as Im not
> > using mongrel yet), getting these errors on the clients: "Could not
> > retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Too many
> > connections"
> > I am running:
> > 0.25.4 master/client,
> > storeconfigs with local mysql5 (testing stage, it will move to a
> > seperate machine.. ;) ),
> > activrecord deb and
> > mysql gem:
> > activerecord:
> > puppet-01:~# aptitude search active | grep ^i
> > i   libactiverecord-ruby            - Ruby library that ties database
> > tables to
> > i A libactiverecord-ruby1.8         - Tie database tables to classes
> > (Ruby 1.8)
> > i A libactivesupport-ruby           - utility classes and extensions
> > to the Ruby
> > i A libactivesupport-ruby1.8        - utility classes and extensions
> > (Ruby 1.8)
> > mysql:
> > puppet-01:~# gem list mysql
> > *** LOCAL GEMS ***
> > mysql (2.8.1)
> > puppet-01:~# aptitude search mysql | grep ^i
> > i A libdbd-mysql-perl               - A Perl5 database interface to
> > the MySQL da
> > i   libdbd-mysql-ruby1.8            - Ruby/DBI MySQL driver for Ruby
> > 1.8
> > i   libmysql-ruby1.8                - MySQL module for Ruby
> > 1.8
> > i   libmysqlclient15-dev            - MySQL database development
> > files
> > i A libmysqlclient15off             - MySQL database client
> > library
> > i A mysql-client-5.0                - MySQL database client
> > binaries
> > i A mysql-common                    - MySQL database common
> > files
> > i   mysql-server-5.0                - MySQL database server binaries
> > lsof of puppetmaster looks like this:
> > puppet-01:/etc/puppet# lsof -p 1829 | grep -v sock
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  cwd    DIR      104,5     4096  1753254 /home/
> > simu
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  rtd    DIR      104,5     4096        2 /
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  txt    REG      104,5     3608   503705 /usr/
> > bin/ruby1.8
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5  1995676   504547 /usr/
> > lib/libmysqlclient.so.15.0.0
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5    77244   542449 /usr/
> > lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux/mysql.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5    67408   352284 /lib/
> > i686/cmov/libresolv-2.7.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5    17880   352282 /lib/
> > i686/cmov/libnss_dns-2.7.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5    42504   352285 /lib/
> > i686/cmov/libnss_files-2.7.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5    38444   352272 /lib/
> > i686/cmov/libnss_nis-2.7.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5    87800   352273 /lib/
> > i686/cmov/libnsl-2.7.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5    30436   352277 /lib/
> > i686/cmov/libnss_compat-2.7.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5    11904   543078 /usr/
> > lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux/digest/sha1.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5     7512   542262 /usr/
> > lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux/shadow.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5     6812   543082 /usr/
> > lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux/digest/md5.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5  1375588   516954 /usr/
> > lib/i686/cmov/libcrypto.so.0.9.8
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5   285188   516953 /usr/
> > lib/i686/cmov/libssl.so.0.9.8
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5    10260   543075 /usr/
> > lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux/digest.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5   265768   541618 /usr/
> > lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux/openssl.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5    12044   543089 /usr/
> > lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux/racc/cparse.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5    38588   543086 /usr/
> > lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux/bigdecimal.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5     9484   504995 /usr/
> > lib/gconv/UTF-16.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5    25700   500846 /usr/
> > lib/gconv/gconv-modules.cache
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5    13384   543065 /usr/
> > lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux/iconv.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5    15952   543074 /usr/
> > lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux/strscan.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5   239804   543067 /usr/
> > lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux/nkf.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5     7904   543083 /usr/
> > lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux/etc.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5   109360   543088 /usr/
> > lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux/syck.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5    10084   543070 /usr/
> > lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux/syslog.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5    81012   501766 /usr/
> > lib/libz.so.
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5    16944   543076 /usr/
> > lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux/stringio.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5    32040   543084 /usr/
> > lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux/zlib.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5  1413540   352280 /lib/
> > i686/cmov/libc-2.7.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5   149328   352260 /lib/
> > i686/cmov/libm-2.7.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5    38296   352265 /lib/
> > i686/cmov/libcrypt-2.7.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5     9680   352276 /lib/
> > i686/cmov/libdl-2.7.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5   116414   352271 /lib/
> > i686/cmov/libpthread-2.7.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5   851604   503703 /usr/
> > lib/libruby1.8.so.1.8.7
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5     3852   543071 /usr/
> > lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux/fcntl.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5    12880   543087 /usr/
> > lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux/thread.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  mem    REG      104,5   113248   344415 /lib/
> > ld-2.7.so
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet    0u   CHR      136,3                 5 /dev/
> > pts/3
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet    1u   CHR      136,3                 5 /dev/
> > pts/3
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet    2u   CHR      136,3                 5 /dev/
> > pts/3
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet    3r  FIFO        0,6          27024956 pipe
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet    4w  FIFO        0,6          27024956 pipe
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet    5u   REG      104,5 47688437  2016048 /var/
> > log/puppet/masterhttp.log
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet    6u  IPv4   27024969               TCP *:8140
> > (LISTEN)
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet    8w   REG      104,5      791  2015320 /var/
> > log/puppet/rails.log
> > and there are about 100 of these:
> > puppetmas 1829 puppet  107u  unix 0xf78c7700          27034858 socket
> > And there is no mention of "You're using the Ruby-based MySQL
> > library.. " in rails.log - just this:
> > "
> > Defined connections: {}
> > Active connections: {}
> > Active connection name:
> > "
> > Does anyone see what I am doing wrong? If so please tell me, I'd like
> > to keep storeconfigs.. :/
> > Any help is greatly appreciated!
> > Cheers,
> > Simon
> > On 8 Mrz., 02:47, Ohad Levy <ohadl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi Mark,
> > > Are you using storeconfigs? I've seen the too many connections error in
> > > relationship to activerecord versions (and the lack of mysql gem
> > existence).
> > > In general, I would expect the load on your mongrels to be lower than
> > > 0.24.x
> > > cheers,
> > > Ohad
> > > On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 3:46 AM, Mark Christian <supertr...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> > > > I have updated the 1100 clients that prior to the update used to
> > > > connect to the master just fine.  Now after about 30 minutes of
> > > > running, puppetmasterd starts to complain "puppetmasterd[6875]: Too
> > > > many connections", and from that point forward will stop compiling
> > > > catalogs.  Puppetmaster is configured using the Mongrel Apache
> > > > configuration as described here:
> > > >http://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet/wiki/UsingMongrel
> > > > In addition I've disabled all modules except for the "puppet" module
> > > > which helped push the client upgrade as well as configure the
> > > > "runinterval" from the pre-upgrade 1 hour run to a 4 hour run
> > > > interval.  At this point there might be a couple dozen 24.8 clients
> > > > still attempting to connect.
> > > > I guess I'm wondering if I need to scrap the Mongrel config with 5
> > > > "Mongrel instances" that used to handle 1100+ clients all which had
> > > > significant configurations, or if someone has an idea outside of
> > > > implementing more puppetmasters.
> > > > Thank you for any insight.
> > > > Mark
> > > > --
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