On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 3:04 PM, Peter Meier <peter.me...@immerda.ch> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
>> and this:
>>     if ! defined(File["/data/syslog/${remote_host}/archive"]) {
>>         file {
>>             "/data/syslog/${remote_host}/archive":
>>                 ensure => directory;
>>         }
>>     }
> this should work.
>> .... both of which resulted in errors. As I said, the documentation
>> really isn't clear if functions CAN be used inside a manifest. That
>> has always confused me and I wish someone would clear up the docs.

Incidentally I'm working on doing a lot of work on
docs.reductivelabs.com (adding new content, etc)
at the moment.   I could use *any* pointers on anything that's not
clear you can find -- on that /or/ the Wiki.
I'm also interested in whether the docs covered things in Puppet in
the way you thought you should learn them.

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