I am trying to create set of users from different set of lists in the following way;

*Secondary Classes*
class /*DevelopersManager */#Secondary Class 1
*$fileList* = "developerUserlist.txt"
*$group* = "users"
*$home *= "/home"

    include StaffManager

class /*AdminsManager */#Secondary Class 2
*$fileList* = "adminUserlist.txt"
*$group* = "staff"
*$home *= "/home"

    include StaffManager

*Master Class*
class StaffManager
$list = generate("/bin/cat", "/etc/puppet/modules/metafiles/*$fileList*") $userList = split($list,',') # usernames are listed as comma separated items

    createUsers{ $userList: }    # this creates Virtual User resource
    realizeUsers{ $userList: } # this realizes Virtual User resource
                # both these functions are working fine

*node client1.mydomain.com
    include AdminsManager        # Line 1
    include DevelopersManager # Line 2

with above code Puppet server only create _Admin Resources_ but not Developer Resources. It is not showing anything as to why its not creating it. however, if I change the order of */include/* in nodes.pp i.e. if I put 'Line 2' before 'Line 1' then it only creates DeveloperUsers. Its a general behaviour of Puppet but I like to know how make this work. I have 9 different categories of users and each category has many users. Is there any better approach you guys suggest? or is there any work around to deal with this Puppet behaviour?

waiting for your reponse


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