Hey Marc - I was hoping you would join in the discussion :-).

> Thanks for your patches on this module ! I love the --comment idea. I
> will definitely pull this asap.

Thanks for writing puppet-iptables in the first place - I use it all
the time and it really makes my life easier.

> I'm not too comfortable with the idea of directly calling iptables-save
> in the ruby code and saving the output into a file. IMHO, the point of
> saving the output to a file is to be able to load the firewall at boot
> time, and the way this is done is distribution specific. I think this
> should be left out of the ruby part, and maybe put in some puppet class
> which does the right thing for each distribution. But of course, notify
> needs to be fixed first...

Hmm. I see your point re: worrying about OS dependant stuff - but
examples of this are littered throughout most providers (including
core) so its not abnormal to do it this way. I don't think its as hard
as you think, but obviously if someone tries to use the module on a
distro that isn't supported you can always do nothing by default. Of
course some users may not want persistence and would want to turn it
off ...

The convenience of having your module 'just work' without extra magic
is a + for users I would imagine. At least for me it is. *shrug*.

> Any pointer on this is very welcome: what sort of magic must be put in
> a puppet type to allow it to send notification to other resources once
> it has run ?

I'll take a look tonight. I think because you do all your changes
quite late in the flow it might pose some problems with ordering. Let
me take a proper look.


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