rlpowell mentioned this earlier on irc and i find myself in a similar boat - I 
need to express a condition that doesn't fit neatly into the class/parameter 
model and I'm not quite sure how to do it.  i'd like to add a cron entry IFF a 
particular file (not managed through puppet) exists. Seems like the natural 
thing would be to do:

cron { "myjob": 
        command => "/run/this/script.sh", 
        user => roleacct, 
        minute => [0,30], 
        require => File["/run/this/script.sh"] 

file { "/run/this/script.sh": 
        ensure => XXX

where XXX is some value that would not cause any changes to the file but merely 
mark the resource as passing or failing depending on the stat(). Exec'ing 
/bin/test is possible but I kind of hate execs. I'm not super happy about 
having a resource intentionally fail but I'm not sure what else to do about it.

Any thoughts from others on how to accomplish this?


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