Arnaud Gomes-do-Vale wrote:
> Brice Figureau <> writes:
>> Can you try with a newer rails/active record?  This one is a little
>> bit old, and I'm not sure there aren't some bugs.  I vaguely
>> remember that puppet required rails 2.2, but I might be wrong.

Well, puppet 0.25 doesn't refuse to run with rails 2.1 and 0.25 got
some patches to allow better support for 2.1, so it's not completely
"unsupported" from a user perspective.  The wiki does list >= 2.2.2
for 0.25 and <= 2.2.2 for 0.24 though.

> Will try. I was hoping I could get away with using whatever is in
> EPEL; has anybody tested this kind of setup?

It's definitely unfortunate that what is in EPEL suffers from this
bug.  I would love to see either puppet or rails there patched to work
around this.  I filed for this
issue but haven't heard anything back from the rails packagers yet.

There was a bug in the Puppet Labs redmine about these leaks, but I
think it was closed.  I need to find that bug again and reopen it.

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
A neurosis is a secret you don't know you're keeping.
    -- Kenneth Tynan

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