I would just like to ask the question if you have any links for publicly
available modules that are source controlled - can you forward them to
me please? Or post them to the list. I'd like to check them out and see
how module development is done.

I've also heard whispers of some people getting together to share
modules and classes. Anyone involved in that, can you please also
forward me some info, make contact etc.  I've been trying to get into
puppet for a few months now, but I've only begun to take it very
seriously in the last few weeks.

The first hurdle I noticed, was not the installation, or finding help
with regards to the installation, it was beginning to configure the
puppet master. I know what I want to do, I'm used to doing it every day
anyway, but what a lot of sysadmins may find, (and read SYSADMINS, not
ruby coders, or perl coders, or anyone with coding skill.... but system
admins!), is that it seems you have to go back to the beginning and do
everything you've already learnt and know, in a new way. I have no
problem with that, but as a sysadmin, time is something we don't have.
Being able to check out a module I know works, and has been tested by
the community, and do the following.....

node 'freshserver.mydomain.com' {
        include postfix_relay
        include ftp_public
        include firewall
        include http
        include ban_list

... and adding some variables like domain name means that I have system
up, running, and configured in a set way for each and every box I setup
is a dream that I think is worth working towards.

Seeing as so much of the work has already been done either behind closed
doors, or in test environments, I see no reason why we are all
duplicating effort. After all, is that not the reason all the top
distros have repositories, and certain people making sure the code is
good for everyone?

Maybe we should manage puppet modules and classes like packages in a
repository, like a 'distro'. Feel free to voice your opinions, I'm sorry
if I'm causing waves, and I know I'm new here, but I love the concept of
puppet, and we should run with this as far as we can!

The Puppet Apprentice   :- http://puppetnewbie.blogspot.com/
Follow me on twitter    :- http://twitter.com/mritguru 
Puppet #tag on twitter  :- #puppet
IRC                             :- itguru ON irc.freenode.org (feel free
to say hi!)

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