On May 22, 8:42 pm, Benoit Cattié <pup...@benoit.cattie.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> You can get the ipadress with facter (and use it in your puppet classes,
> templates ...)

That was what I also had in mind first when I needed to specify a
host's IP address as bind address in some xinetd spawned server's
config file.

However, how do you pick the proper IP address if you have to deal
with multihomed hosts like I have with most of our hosts?

This is for example what facter spits out on one such multihomed host
of ours:

$ facter|grep ipaddress
ipaddress =>
ipaddress_bond0 =>
ipaddress_eth0 =>
ipaddress_eth2 =>
ipaddress_eth2_1 =>

One would assume that the "variable" $ipaddress is the host's "real"
IP, especially as it's also the one bound to the only bonded NIC.
But here it's actually the one bound to eth2

$ dig $(hostname -f) A +short

$ /sbin/ip a s eth2|grep inet\
    inet brd scope global eth2
    inet brd scope global secondary

So I thought that I could let this dilemma best be sorted out by the
host's resolver,
and by applying some of my Perl knowledge to Ruby (of which in turn I
so far almost know nothing about)
thought that some ERB markup like this within a Puppet template might
help (at least in the irb shell it seems to work):

<% require 'socket' -%>
<% bind_ip = Socket.gethostbyname(Socket.gethostname)
[-1].unpack('C4').join('.')  -%>

But probably there are better solutions, especially those that Puppet
or Ruby experts would apply,
and which as a Puppet newbie I am likewise eager to hear about.

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