On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 12:53 PM, <tean...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have my sudoers setup as per the puppet training class recommendation:
>        file { "/etc/sudoers.check":
>                content => template("etc/sudoers.erb"),
>                mode => 440,
>                notify => Exec['sudo-check'],
>        }
>        exec { 'sudo-check':
>                path => '/usr/sbin:/usr/bin',
>                command => 'visudo -c -f /etc/sudoers.check',
>                unless => "diff /etc/sudoers.check /etc/sudoers",
>                require => File['/etc/sudoers.check'],
>        }
>        file { "/etc/sudoers":
>                ensure => present,
>                mode => 440,
>                require => [Exec['sudo-check'],Package["sudo"]],
>                source => '/etc/sudoers.check',
>        }
> That works wonderfully on three out of four of our OS/arch combinations
> (Centos4/32-bit, Centos5/32-bit, Centos5/64-bit).  However, on all of
> our Centos4/64-bit machines, we have inconsistent hangs, with the
> following error:
> err: //etc/Exec[sudo-check]/unless: Check "diff /etc/sudoers.check
> /etc/sudoers" exceeded timeout

David, this sounds awfully similar to the problem we had (and resolved) in
this thread:


> Running the diff by hand returns instantaneously, and it does not seem
> to matter (for the purposes of the hanging) if there is an actual change
> between sudoers.check and sudoers.  I've run puppet using --debug, with
> nothing more helpful showing up.  I've also run it under strace, and
> after pruning out all of the useless garbage, I'm left with not much. I
> put it up at http://www.nwind.net/puppet.strace if you want to look.
> The versions of ruby and puppet all match across all 4 platforms.  Any
> idea where I should look next?
> David
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
> p+wAn21w8L/DuuV4cpTSWso5E+vUPLNi
> =ohzu


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