Hm, I thought that puppet would search for filname X in module Y
manifestdir when you included a class like include "Y::X", guess I'm
wrong there.

On the other hand, adding the import statement in the beginning of
rhnsd/manifests/init.pp yeilds the same error.

On 17 Jun, 13:10, Silviu Paragina <> wrote:
> On 17.06.2010 13:31, Tore wrote:
> > I'm troubled with a node-definition not able to resolve a class:
> >   Could not find class rhnsd::common at /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp:
> > 8 on node X
> > Content of manifest/site.pp:
> > import "nodes.pp"
> > [...]
> > The layout of modules/rhnsd/ is:
> > |-- files
> > |   `-- up2date-rhn
> > |-- manifests
> > |   |-- client.pp
> > |   |-- common.pp
> > |   |-- init.pp
> > |   `-- rhn.pp
> > A `cat' from each manifest file:
> > client.pp::
> > class rhnds::client inherits rhnsd::common {
> >          service { "rhnsd":
> >                  ensure          =>  running,
> >                  enable          =>  true,
> >                  hasrestart      =>  true,
> >                  hasstatus       =>  true,
> >                  require         =>  [ Package["rhnsd"], File["/etc/
> > sysconfig/rhn/up2date"] ],
> >                  subscribe       =>  File["/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date"],
> >          }
> > }
> > common.pp::
> > class rhnds::common inherits rhnsd {
> >          if ($operatingsystem != 'RedHat') {
> >                  fail("${fqdn} is not an RedHat OS, it is $
> > {operatingsystem}. Unable to apply module RHN, since it is only used
> > on RedHat based systems")
> >          }
> >          if ($lsbmajdistrelease != '5') {
> >                  fail("${fqdn} is not a 5-major release from RedHat.
> > Puppet modules for other major releases have not been made yet.")
> >          }
> >          $rhn_client_requirements = $lsbmajdistrelease ? {
> >                  5 =>  [ 'yum', 'rhn_register', 'rhnsd' ],
> >                  4 =>  [ 'yum', 'up2date', 'rhnsd' ],
> >          }
> >          package { $rhn_client_requirements:
> >                  ensure  =>  present,
> >          }
> > }
> > init.pp::
> > class rhnsd {
> > }
> > client.pp::
> > class rhnsd::client::rhn inherits rhnsd::client {
> >          file { "/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date":
> >                  ensure  =>  present,
> >                  source  =>  "puppet:///rhn/up2date-rhn",
> >                  require =>  File["/usr/share/rhn/RHNS-CA-CERT"],
> >          }
> >          file { "/usr/share/rhn/RHNS-CA-CERT-VISMA":
> >                  ensure  =>  present,
> >                  source  =>  "puppet:///rhn/RHNS-CA-CERT",
> >          }
> > }
> > Why wont this work, I know it must be an small error, but right now im
> > code-blind, it sucks.
> > Thanks for your help
> Try adding in init.pp:
> import "*"
> The other files in the manifest directory are not included by default ;)
> Silviu

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