On 6/21/2010 3:51 PM, Matt Keating wrote:
Not to hijack your thread, but I'm having a similar issue with trying
to pass an array to a define:
class solr {

$configFileList = ["admin-extra.html", "elevate.xml"]

define configFiles ( $solrIndex, $fileName ) {
                 file { "/var/solr/$solrIndex/conf/$fileName" :

if you call this like below, $fileName is an array, which puppet will dutifully interpolate into your string, which is not what you want.

                         ensure =>  present,
                         owner =>  "tomcat",
                         source =>
Then If I call it like so:

         solr::configFiles { $title :
                 fileName =>  $configFileList,
                 solrIndex =>  $title,
                 require =>  File["/var/solr/$title/conf/xslt"],

It doesnt seem to pass the $configFileList through correctly. Any
idea's on what I should be doing?

The following would be one possibility:

define solr::config_file ($index) {
        file { "/var/solr/${index}/conf/${name}":
                # ...

solr::config_file {
                index => $title;

Best Regards, David
dasz.at OG              Tel: +43 (0)664 2602670     Web: http://dasz.at
Klosterneuburg                                         UID: ATU64260999

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