Hey there,

I'm trying to untar some archives puppet copied onto the clients
before but the "untaring" always fails with:

err: //allgemein::bigbrother/Exec[untar bb19c]/returns: change from
notrun to 0 failed: tar -jxf 'bb19c.tar.bz2' returned 2 instead of one
of [0] at /etc/puppet/modules/allgemein/manifests/bigbrother.pp:22

If tar returns 2 it means that it could find the file to work with...
This is an extract from my manifest:

exec { "untar bb19c":
                command => "tar -jxf bb19c.tar.bz2",
                cwd     => "/usr/local",
                path    => "/bin",
                creates => "/usr/local/bb19c",
                require => File["/usr/local/bb19c.tar.bz2"],
                before  => File["/usr/local/bb"]
This problem occurs with other untar-exec-types too while other exec-
types work fine.
If I execute the command via command line everything is fine.
I'm runnig puppet v 0.25.4


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