On 6/30/2010 5:07 PM, Patrick Mohr wrote:
By the way, ignoring the technical aspect, how do you think defined
should work in this case? In this case, what aleart should be printed,
or what error should be printed? This is a rather contrived example, but
I'm not really sure what puppet should actually do here with your
suggestion. (Please excuse my syntax errors).

node 'test-node' {
        include classA
        include classB

class classA {
        if !defined Package['apache']
                package { 'apache':
                        ensure =>  installed,

                alert("Package apache included by classA")

class classB {
        if !defined Package['apache']
                package { 'apache':
                        ensure =>  installed,

                alert("Package apache included by classB")

In an ideal world, this is an invalid manifest. Especially when you add more resources in there, that have different properties in classA vs classB. The correct way to implement that would be to extract the conditional resources into a common class.

Best Regards, David
dasz.at OG              Tel: +43 (0)664 2602670     Web: http://dasz.at
Klosterneuburg                                         UID: ATU64260999

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