On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 9:34 PM, James Turnbull <ja...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
> Douglas Garstang wrote:
>> I just upgraded puppet from 0.25.5 to 0.26, and I'm getting this:
>> (/Stage[main]/Repo::Livegamer_software_base/Yumrepo[Livegamer-Software-Base])
>> Could not evaluate: File /etc/yum.conf does not contain a main section
> Well I'd say that'd be a bug.
> Can you please log a ticket with the results of the master and agent
> runs with --trace --debug --verbose enabled?


Probably a minor bug. I retyped the [main] line, and puppet was happy.
There was probably a trailing tab or white space at the end of the
line. Easy to reproduce I guess.... still a bug?


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