On Aug 2, 2010, at 5:39 PM, James Turnbull wrote:

> Is there anything in /var/log/apache/error.log?

What the…? Yes. Why isn’t it going to the ErrorLog for that virtual host?

Anyway, there were a number of these:

    Rails Error: Unable to access log file. Please ensure that 
/opt/puppet-dashboard/log/production.log exists and is chmod 0666. The log 
level has been raised to WARN and the output directed to STDERR until the 
problem is fixed.

So I chowned that directory and it’s files to the ‘apache’ user and now I’m 

ActionView::TemplateError (Permission denied - 
/opt/puppet-dashboard/public/stylesheets/all.css) on line #14 of 
11:       var relative_url_root = '#{ActionController::Base.relative_url_root}';
12:       $.noConflict();
14:     = stylesheet_link_tag 'reset', 'layout', 'forms', 'tables', 
'jquery.ui.autocomplete.css', 'typography', 'links', 'fcbkcomplete', 'tipsy', 
'application', :cache => 'all'
15:     = javascript_include_tag 'prototype', 'jrails', 'fcbkcomplete', 
'excanvas.min', 'raphael-min', 'grafico.min', 'jquery.form', 
'jquery.placeholders', 'jquery.ui.autocomplete', 'jquery.ui.autocomplete.ext', 
'jquery.tipsy', 'search', 'application', :cache => ‘all’

…followed by a trace through the application. The `production.log`, though it’s 
now writable, contains nothing.

So I guess it’s trying to cache all the stylesheets and JavaScript into one 
file? I chowned the `stylesheets` directory to apache:apache, but I still see 
the error. Is there a list of paths that Passenger expects write-access to 
somewhere? Why wasn’t this an issue before?


Rob McBroom

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