Hello all,

Based on this post from July :

The OP has this snippet running on an RHEL system :

file { "network":
                notify => Service[network]

service { network:
                ensure => "running",
                hasstatus => "true",
                hasrestart => "true",
                restart => "/etc/init.d/network restart",

Clearly the idea is to trigger a network restart if the given file changes ; however, "network" isn't really a service, it's an init script, which means that it's not generally "running".

On a given CentOS machine, ralsh says :

$ ralsh service network
service { 'network':
    enable => 'true',
    ensure => 'running'

Which is what we want, but i'm curious as to _why_ this is so, given (again) that we're talking about an init script, and not a particular service that sits in memory. Granted, the effects of the script can be known - is puppet smart enough to figure out what effect "service network *" ultimately has on the system, or is this sort of a happy accident, or yet something else entirely ?

Thank you.

Daniel Maher <dma AT witbe DOT net>
"The Internet is completely over." -- Prince

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