
i am using puppet 0.25.4 at debian lenny and i have got a question about
the cron type. If i use something like that, the cron will be stored at

        cron { "get-slections":
                command => "/usr/bin/dpkg --get-selections >
                user    => root,
                minute  => 0,

But if i use an explicit hour, the cron will be stored at
"/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root" instead of "/etc/cron.d/get-selections".

        cron { "get-slections":
                command => "/usr/bin/dpkg --get-selections >
                user    => root,
                hour    => 8,
                minute  => 0,

Of course i could use the file type to ship my cron jobs, but that makes
no sense to me. Any hints?

Regards, Dennis

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