Excerpts from Paul Nasrat's message of Thu Aug 12 06:45:52 -0700 2010:
> You might use shellwords to handle the quoting.
> >> require 'shellwords'
> >> l = %q(printer-make-and-model='Brother HL-2060 Foomatic/hpijs-pcl5e 
> >> (recommended)' printer-state=3 printer-state-change-time=1266621145 
> >> printer-state-reasons=none printer-type=8564756)
> >> Shellwords.shellwords(l)
> => ["printer-make-and-model=Brother HL-2060 Foomatic/hpijs-pcl5e
> (recommended)", "printer-state=3",
> "printer-state-change-time=1266621145", "printer-state-reasons=none",
> "printer-type=8564756"]
> Paul

Paul, shellwords.rb is one of the many great but little-known Ruby
standard library tools. Going a little further, we can turn a string of
shell-quoted key/value pairs separated by an '=' into a hash using:

    require 'shellwords'

    shellwords = Shellwords.shellwords(your_string)
    pairs = shellwords.map{ |s| s.split('=', 2) }.flatten

This may be a little daunting, so let's break it down:

1) shellwords = Shellwords.shellwords(your_string) turns the string into
   an array of tokens, assuming it's been assigned to your_string.

2) pairs.map{|s| s.split('=', 2)} takes each string in turn and splits
   it on the first '=', returning a new array containing arrays of
   [before-the-equals, after-the-equals] pairs.  Splitting on the first '='
   avoids any possible bugs where there is an = in the value.

3) .flatten flattens this array of arrays into an array that looks like [ key, 
   key, value, ... ]. We'll need this for step 4.

4) Hash[1, 2, 3, 4] turns the arguments into a hash: { 1 => 2, 3 => 4 }.
   We use this to turn the array above into a Hash. The * is used to
   turn the array into a series of arguments, because Hash[[1,2,3,4]]
   doesn't work, but Hash[*[1,2,3,4]] does. (I often think of * in this
   context as the "unary unarray operator".)

Rein Henrichs

There are two types of Linux developers - those who can spell, and
those who can't. There is a constant pitched battle between the two.
(From one of the post-1.1.54 kernel update messages posted to c.o.l.a)

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