On 09-09-10 11:50, R.I.Pienaar wrote:
>> In the function reference [1], I found a 'split' function for
>> splitting a
>> string into an array, but not a 'join' function for joining an array
>> into
>> a string. Why not? :)
>> I have a list of IP addresses, that I use with ssh_authorized_key to
>> restrict access. The list is now simply a comma-separated list in a
>> string, but if I want to use the list for other purposes as well, I
>> thought it might be better to store the list as an array and join()
>> it
>> with the proper glue whenever needed.
>> What do you recommend?
> - you can write a join function and contribute it to the project, they are 
> very easy to write

I have added this function to my 'common' module:

puppet$ cat modules/common/lib/puppet/parser/functions/join.rb
module Puppet::Parser::Functions
    newfunction(:join, :type => :rvalue) do |args|

I didn't come up with it myself though, I found it on the web somewhere.
Looking at the source for the 'split' function, I guess the function needs
documentation and maybe some error checking, like the number of arguments.

How would I contribute something like this to the project?

> - you can use something like $ips = inline_template("<%= 
> ipaddress.split(/,/).join(' ') %>")
>   or use regex or something like that.



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