Thanks for the feedback Matt, but no, it didn't work.  Here's the repo
I'm trying to define:

     yumrepo { "domain_OMSA":
     baseurl => $productname ? {
     "PowerEdge 2650" => '',
     default => '' },
     descr => "domain's OMSA Repo for $operatingsystem-$architecture-
$operatingsystemrelease ",
     enabled => 1,
     gpgcheck => 0
So far I've tried "PowerEdge 2650", "${PowerEdge 2650}", 'PowerEdge
2650', "PowerEdge\ 2650", and none have worked so far.  It keeps just
using using the default URL.



On Sep 28, 10:28 am, Matt Wallace <> wrote:
> On Tuesday 28 Sep 2010 15:12:34 CraftyTech wrote:
> > Hello All,
> >      How do I specify a variable that has a space in it?  I'm trying
> > to setup a yum repo that has two different baseurl's based on the
> > product name ($productname).  Default goes one way, but if the product
> > is "PowerEdge 2650" then is a different URL.  The thing is, that is
> > only picking up the default.  How should I specify the value with the
> > space in the middle?  I tried "PowerEdge 2650", "${PowerEdge 2650}",
> > and 'PowerEdge 2650', and none have worked so far.  Do I need to use
> > Regex for this, or is there a discreprancy in my syntax?
> > Thanks,
> > Henry
> I've not tried it myself, but have you checked to see if "PowerEdge\ 2650"
> works?
> M.

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