
I'm transitioning a large-ish manifest from plain files with lots of
import statements to modules.
I used to heavily rely on a pattern like the following

class feature {
  class specialized inherits feature {
    class more_special inherits specialized {

So on a central location I can "include feature", but certain nodes will
want to "include feature::specialized" and some even "include

For the modules transition, I see fit to prepend all classes with their
module name, so if the module is named "m_feature", I'll substitute
"include feature" with "include m_feature::feature", which works.

What won't work are the nested classes (e.g. "include

Is there a way I can maintain this naming scheme when using modules and
autoloading? (I guess dumping everything in init.pp would work, but I'd
prefer not to have to resort to that.)


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