Steven VanDevender wrote:
> I'm not our local Cobbler/Kickstart expert, but the guy who created
> our Cobbler installation even figured out how to script a new host's
> initial registration with the puppetmaster (I believe the key idea
> is that there is a command-locked ssh identity key that allows the
> host to get in to the puppetmaster and issue the right "puppetca"
> command).  I'd have to do some digging to look up the specifics.

I handle this in my environment by generate the new host key on the
puppetmaster and packaging that into an rpm, which gets installed in
the kickstart along with puppet.  That way an initial puppet run can
happen during install.  Doesn't exactly scale, unless you automate the
key generation though, like you mentioned doing.

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
There are severe limits to the good that the government can do for the
economy, but there are almost no limits to the harm it can do.
    -- Milton Friedman. Nobel laureate

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