I get the following error:

Database isn't the current migration version: expected 20100726070117,
got 20100916183948 You must either run 'rake db:migrate' or set
environmental variable NO_MIGRATION_CHECK

I upgraded from 1.0.4rc2 and did run 'rake RAILS_ENV=production
db:migrate' before restarting apache.

On Oct 20, 1:59 am, James Turnbull <ja...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
> We're pleased to announce the availability of Puppet Dashboard 1.0.4!
> This is a maintenance release, it fixes a number of bugs, improves the
> user interface, significantly boosts performance and includes better RPM
> and DEB packages.  The source code of 1.0.4 is identical to 1.0.4rc2.
> Please upgrade to this stable release and let us know about any issues
> on the mailing list (http://groups.google.com/group/puppet-users/), or
> in the ticket tracker with an "Affected Version" of 1.0.4
> (http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/dashboard/).
> If you're interested in what we're hoping to work on next, please see
> our roadmap
> (http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/dashboard/roadmap/).  We would
> also appreciate it if you watched and commented on those tickets that
> are important to you.
> New installation and upgrading instructions are available in the
> included README, which you can also read online at:
>  http://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-dashboard/blob/v1.0.4/README.mark...
> IMPORTANT: This release involves database migrations.  Please see the
> README.markdown for instructions on applying them.
> Install an the software using packages, which will put the files into
> your "/usr/share/puppet-dashboard" directory:
> Install the RPM package for CentOS or RHEL 5.5 by running:
>    sudo sh -c "rpm 
> -Uvhhttp://yum.puppetlabs.com/base/puppetlabs-repo-3.0-2.noarch.rpm;\
>     rpm 
> -Uvhhttp://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-release-5-4.no...
> \
>     yum install puppet-dashboard"
> Or install the DEB package for Ubuntu 10.04:
> 1. Put the following in your "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/puppet-labs.list"
> file:
>     debhttp://apt.puppetlabs.com/ubuntulucid main
>     deb-srchttp://apt.puppetlabs.com/ubuntulucid main
> 2. Run the command:
>    sudo sh -c "wget -q -O -http://yum.puppetlabs.com/RPM-GPG-KEY-puppetlabs| 
> sudo apt-key add - && \
>    apt-get update && apt-get install puppet-dashboard"
> You can download the release candidate from:
>  http://puppetlabs.com/downloads/dashboard/puppet-dashboard-1.0.4.tgz
> Or check it out using git:
>     git clone git://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-dashboard.git && \
>     cd puppet-dashboard && \
>     git checkout v1.0.4
> v1.0.4
> ------
> * MIGRATION: Fixed truncation of long reports and deleted these invalid
> records. Please reimport your reports (see README) after migrating to
> readd these deleted reports.
> * MIGRATION: Fixed slow database queries and improved table indexes to
> speed up the home page, reports listing page, site-wide sidebar, nodes
> counts, and selection of nodes over time.
> * MIGRATION: Fixed orphaned records left behind when classes or groups
> were deleted, and removed these orphans from the database.
> * MIGRATION: Fixed duplicate membership records by removing them and
> preventing new ones from being added, e.g. a node belongs to the same
> class or group multiple times.
> * Fixed user interface for specifying classes and groups to work with
> standards-compliant browsers, autocomplete on keystroke rather than
> submitting, etc.
> * Fixed default node search, it was incorrectly using the "ever failed"
> node query rather than the "all" nodes query.
> * Fixed .rpm and .deb packages to include all required files, declare
> all dependencies, set correct permissions and include working startup
> scripts.
> * Fixed run-failure chart to correctly count the reports by day.
> * Fixed run-time chart to correctly display its unit-of-measure labels
> as seconds, not milliseconds.
> * Fixed report display and sorting to use the time the report was
> created by a client, rather than the time it was imported.
> * Fixed class validations to accept valid Puppet class names, including
> those with correctly-placed dashes, double-colons and numbers.
> * Fixed cycle exception caused when a node belonged to two or more
> groups that inherited a single, common group.
> * Fixed parameter inheritance so that a node belonging to a group can
> see the parameters it inherited from its groups' ancestors.
> * Fixed parameter collision to display errors if the same parameter was
> defined differently by groups at the same level of inheritance (e.g.
> both parents).
> * Fixed views to display all dates and times in the same timezone and
> format.
> * Fixed class edit form to use new-style form that can display error
> messages.
> * Fixed node to recalculate its latest report if the current report
> record was deleted.
> * Fixed external node classifier so Puppet can classify unknown nodes
> using its local file-based classification, rather than halting with errors.
> * Fixed node, class, and group listing pages to describe the current
> search and non-matches correctly.
> * Fixed views to generate all internal links relative to RAILS_ROOT
> enabling the site to be served from sub-URIs (Ex: example.com/dashboard/).
> * Fixed documentation for adding the EPEL repository on CentOS and RHEL
> hosts.
> * Fixed documentation to use sh-compatible commands and explain that
> this is the expected shell for commands.
> * Fixed exceptions on the node's create and edit forms if the user
> submitted the form with a blank name.
> * Fixed release notes styling to properly indent bullet points.
> * Improved node classification to display useful error messages when
> there's a problem.
> * Improved page headings to display the type of resource shown, e.g.
> "Node: mynodename.net"
> * Improved graph legends to more prominently show their intervals.
> * Added task to optimize the database tables which can be run using
> `rake RAILS_ENV=production db:raw:optimize`.
> * Added documentation describing how to upgrade to a new Puppet
> Dashboard release.
> * Added documentation describing how to set the Puppet Dashboard's
> filesystem ownership and permissions.
> * Added documentation describing how to prune old reports and fixed the
> script for pruning these to use the time the report was created rather
> than imported.
> * Added documentation describing some simple ways to improve the
> application's performance, see README.
> * Added documentation describing how to locate error logs to help debug
> and report problems.
> --
> Puppet Labs -http://www.puppetlabs.com
> C: 503-734-8571

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