I am trying to implement stages in 2.6.2 (both client and server)


stage { [baseos, pre, post, brsoft]: }
class runstages { Stage[baseos] -> Stage[pre] -> Stage[main] ->
Stage[post] -> Stage[brsoft] }

node default {
        include runstages
        include debian::base_packages

class debian::base_packages {

        include debian::apt
        package  { "lsof": ensure => installed }

class {"debian::base_packages": stage => baseos }

But when I run the agent with noop:

notice: /Stage[main]/Debian::Base_packages/Package[lsof]/ensure: is
purged, should be present (noop)

The stage still shows as main.

What am I overlooking?

Thank you.
(sorry if this is a duplicate.)

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