> Hi I'm trying to setting http_proxy environment variable by adding it
> to the /etc/environment file.
> I was wondering how I can force puppet to reload this file whenever
> the file changes.
> I have tried a few things and none of them have worked,
> 1.)
>    exec { "source_environment":
>        command => "source /etc/environment",
>        subscribe => File["/etc/environment"],
>        refreshonly => true
>    }
> 2.)
>    exec { "source /etc/environment":
>        subscribe => File["/etc/environment"],
>        refreshonly => true
>    }
> 3.)
>    exec { "export http_proxy="http://localhost:3128"":
>        subscribe => File["/etc/environment"],
>        refreshonly => true
>    }
> Is there a better way to do this?  I just need to ensure that the
> environment var http_proxy is globally set.

No subshell will be able to modify the parent's environment, which is
what you're after.  Try setting environment variables in the Puppet
process's environment:

rcrow...@wd-40:~$ puppet apply test.pp
warning: Could not retrieve fact fqdn
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[sh -c 'echo $HOOAH >/tmp/foo']/returns:
executed successfully
rcrow...@wd-40:~$ cat /tmp/foo

rcrow...@wd-40:~$ HOOAH=hooah puppet apply test.pp
warning: Could not retrieve fact fqdn
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[sh -c 'echo $HOOAH >/tmp/foo']/returns:
executed successfully
rcrow...@wd-40:~$ cat /tmp/foo

Setting values in /etc/environment will probably work provided you
restart the Puppet process in question after the contents of that file
have been set.

Hope that helps,


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