An alternative is to have puppet push out the contents of the RPM instead of
trying to install from RPM. The problem with RPM is its not designed to have
two different packages owning the same files, but there are ways around it.
You would need to install the RPM via the RPM command with --force to make
RPM ignore the conflict. 

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Bakul
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 11:14 AM
To: Puppet Users
Subject: [Puppet Users] Re: multiple package installation at same location

I know that would be better option but it's not possible to do it at
this point (due to some non-technical issue). Is there anyway this can
be handled in puppet.


On Nov 5, 8:26 am, jcbollinger <> wrote:
> On Nov 4, 3:28 pm, Bakul <> wrote:
> > I'm trying to install 2 packages where 2nd packages replaces certain
> > files from first packages.
> > package { "jboss":
> >                 provider => yum,
> >                 ensure => latest
> > }
> > package { "jboss-fix":
> >                 provider => yum,
> >                 ensure => latest
> > }
> > This seems to error out with message like "file ... from install of
> > jboss-fix conflicts with file from package jboss"
> > On command line I can use "sudo yum -y install jboss jboss-fix" and it
> > works (or use rpm with "replacefiles" option for second rpm).
> You should be able to configure yum to always act as if the -y switch
> had been passed.  See the "assumeyes" parameter.
> However, packages replacing others' files is a bad idea.  That's why
> by default it requires confirmation or special options.  I urge you to
> consider instead building packages that do not require such
> treatment.  If you download the jboss source RPM, you should be able
> to quickly build an alternative jboss rpm that incorporates your
> changes.  (Perhaps you would call *that* "jboss-fix".)  You can make
> such an alternative package satisfy other packages' dependencies on
> jboss by appropriate use of the "Provides:" header.
> Regards,
> John

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