On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 7:43 AM, Klaus Ethgen <klaus+pup...@ethgen.de> wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> Hello,
> I read that there is several problems about custom facts on this list.
> However, none is serving my task exactly so I start another. (Topic
> »custom facts in legacy puppet 0.24.[89]« is the might be the same issue
> but that gets no answer.)
> My problem is that I have to serve clients with different versions of
> puppet. The systems running ubuntu with 0.25.4 work perfect but I have
> problems to bring custom facts to the systems running silly SLES 11.1
> with puppet version 0.24.8.

There were some major changes between the two versions in this regard.

Are you using environments? Are you using plugins in modules to deliver facts?

> The first think that I recognise, is, that puppet itself deletes
> /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter at the very begin of all puppet run:
>   debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Changing checksum
>   debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: 1 change(s)
>   debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]/checksum: Replacing /var/lib/puppet/lib 
> checksum {mtime}Wed Nov 10 15:51:11 +0100 2010 with {mtime}Wed Nov 10 
> 16:27:14 +0100 2010
>   notice: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]/checksum: checksum changed '{mtime}Wed 
> Nov 10 15:51:11 +0100 2010' to '{mtime}Wed Nov 10 16:27:14 +0100 2010'
>   debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib/facter]: Changing ensure
>   debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib/facter]: 1 change(s)
>   debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib/facter]: Removing existing directory for 
> replacement with absent
>   notice: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib/facter]/ensure: removed
> As that is alarming me I did no find any location where the file
> /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter is defined in all manifest, modules or source
> of puppet. So my first question is, where do puppet get this file
> resource from? And why do it means that it has to remove it? (By the
> way, it seems that this path is only purged when »factsync = true« is in
> /etc/puppet/puppet.conf.)
> When  I try to ensure that directory to exist it will be deleted on
> every begin of the run and created at the end. But it will always be
> empty.
> An other point that I found in debug log is that sometimes there is an
> error about not existing (not mounted) /facts on the puppetmaster. (The
> client prints that, the master work fine.) I tried with or without
> »[facts]« section in /etc/puppet/fileserver.conf. Both work well with
> clients version 0.25.4 but none work with version 0.24.8. (Well. the
> error message is different. But the result is the same.)
>   err: /File[/var/lib/puppet/facts]: Failed to generate additional resources 
> during transaction: Fileserver module 'facts' not mounted
> and/or
>   err: /File[/var/lib/puppet/facts]: Failed to retrieve current state of 
> resource: Fileserver module 'facts' not mounted Could not describe /facts: 
> Fileserver module 'facts' not mounted
> For now I tried many to debug this stuff, puttin several .instpect to
> the ruby code but did not find any anchor where to search exactly or how
> to get ridge of this problem.
> As I told, with the ubuntu machines that all worked instantly from the
> description.
> Anybody a hint what to try else?
> Regards
>   Klaus Ethgen
> - --
> Klaus Ethgen                            http://www.ethgen.de/
> pub  2048R/D1A4EDE5 2000-02-26 Klaus Ethgen <kl...@ethgen.de>
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Nigel Kersten - Puppet Labs -  http://www.puppetlabs.com

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